
1. be in ( = famous at the moment)
I googled 'British Chart' to find out what's in top 10 at the moment.

2. kick off ( = begin)
A friendly beetween Korea and Ecuador kicked off earlier and we're leading 2-0.

3. I got a cold a week ago and I still have it.

4. shaft of light ( 햇살내림 현상)
I like taking pictures of a shaft of light.

5. 귀가 멍해지다.
Everytime I go through a tunnel, my ears poped.

6. Pestle and mortar (막자와 사발)
Most homes in Korea, have a pestle and mortar not for medicine but for cooking.

7. simultaneously ( = at the same time)
Usually women are good at multi-tasking. She was cooking some food and simultaneously calling her friend.

8. usage of 'although'
It's getting harder to learn foreign langauges as I grow older although I study hard.

9. busker ( = street entertainer, espicially musician)
When I went to Ronda in Spain, I saw a busker who made his own records.

10. had a little incident
A : Why haven't you called me for a long time?
B : Sorry, I had a little incident.

'외국어 > 생활영어 (유용한 표현)' 카테고리의 다른 글

생각과 행동  (0) 2010.07.14
Idioms  (0) 2010.05.25
Idioms  (0) 2010.05.21
Idioms  (0) 2010.04.20